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Earth Candle Ritual

Contained in this candle

  • Hematite: Grounding stone that helps to protect against negative energy and stress, while promoting feelings of safety and security. Works to anchor the energy of the ritual and the intention into the Earth.

  • Malachite chips: Cleansing and purifying stone that helps to release negative patterns and energy blockages, while promoting healing and transformation. Assists in clearing any energetic debris that may be hindering the manifestation of the intention.

  • Moss Agate chips: Promotes growth, abundance, and new beginnings, while also enhancing the connection to nature and the Earth. Encourages the manifestation of the intention by bringing in fresh energy and new opportunities.

  • Clear Quartz points: Amplifies the energy of the other crystals and the intention of the ritual, while also purifying and cleansing the energy field. Helps to clarify and focus the intention, making it easier to manifest.

  • Small charm: Serves as a visual representation of the intention and a talisman for protection and connection to the Earth element. Acts as a reminder of the goal and purpose of the ritual, and can be carried or worn after the ritual is completed to help maintain the energy of the intention.

  • Motherwort: An herb that is associated with the Earth element and is known for its calming and soothing properties. Helps to promote relaxation and release any tension or anxiety that may be hindering the manifestation of the intention. Also assists in connecting to the Earth and nature, further enhancing the grounding and stabilizing energy of the ritual.

Recommended Uses

  • Use to connect to Mother Gaia a.k.a Mother Earth.

  • Healing or enhancing your root and heart chakras.

  • Use during meditation or mindfulness practice to ground and stabilize your energy.

  • Light the candle during a yoga practice to enhance your connection to the Earth element.

  • Use in a ritual or ceremony to set intentions related to growth, abundance, or new beginnings.

  • Keep the candle burning during a creative practice, such as writing or painting, to promote inspiration and manifestation.

  • Use the candle during times of stress or anxiety to promote feelings of safety and security.

  • Place the candle in your workspace to promote a grounded and productive energy.

  • Burn the candle during a spiritual or energetic cleansing of your space or personal energy.

  • Use the candle during times of transition or change to promote a sense of stability and support.

  • Keep the candle burning during a time of grief or loss to promote healing and transformation.

  • Use the candle during times of uncertainty or confusion to promote clarity and focus.

Ritual Summary

  • Find a quiet and sacred space to light the Earth Candle

  • Set your intention for the ritual

  • Surround yourself with crystals and other items that resonate with the Earth element

  • Light the Earth Candle and center yourself

  • Visualize roots growing from the bottom of your feet and grounding you into the Earth

  • Focus on your intention and allow the energy of the Earth Candle to flow through you

  • Take note of any images or symbols that appear in the wax or flame

  • Give thanks to the Earth and the energy it has provided when the candle has burned out

  • Bury the remnants of the candle in the Earth, except the glass jar, or keep the crystals and charm as a reminder of the ritual and the power of the Earth element

  • Remember the Earth Candle ritual can be performed at any time and can bring you peace and protection

  • Use the charm to craft a piece of jewelry to wear as a reminder of your intentions

Before you use this candle

This ritual is not a substitute for professional advice or therapy. If you are struggling with serious emotional, physical or mental health issues, please seek help from a qualified professional.


  • Set your intention carefully: The Earth Candle ritual is powerful, so it is important to set your intention carefully. Be clear and specific about what you want to manifest, as the energy you put into the ritual will determine the results you get.


  • Take safety precautions: As with any candle, it is important to take safety precautions when using the Earth Candle. Keep it away from flammable materials, and never leave it burning unattended.


  • Be mindful of the energy you bring to the ritual: The Earth Candle is designed to amplify your intentions, so it is important to approach the ritual with a positive and focused mindset. Avoid negative or doubtful thoughts and focus on the outcome you desire.


  • Take action towards your intentions: The Earth Candle ritual is not a magic solution that requires no effort on your part. It is important to take action towards your intentions and do the work needed to achieve your desired outcome.


  • Be patient and trust the process: Manifestation is not always instant, and it may take some time for your intentions to come to fruition. Trust the process and be patient, and know that the Earth Candle is working to bring your intentions into reality.


  • Honor the Earth: The Earth Candle contains natural elements from the earth, so it is important to honor and respect the energy of the earth during the ritual. Consider doing the ritual outdoors or in a natural setting, and be mindful of your impact on the environment.


  • Keep an open mind: The Earth Candle ritual is a powerful tool for manifestation, but it is important to keep an open mind and be receptive to the energy that is being created. Trust the process and allow the universe to work its magic in your life.


Candle Safety

Candles are a great way to create ambiance and fragrance in your home, but they can also be dangerous if used improperly. At Good Witch Way, we take the safety of our customers very seriously and ask that you follow these guidelines to ensure that your candles are used safely:


  • Keep candles away from flammable materials: Always place candles on a stable, heat-resistant surface and keep them away from anything that can catch fire, such as curtains, furniture, and paper.


  • Burn candles in a well-ventilated area: Never burn candles in a small, enclosed space as this can increase the risk of fire.


  • Keep the wick trimmed: A wick that is too long can cause the candle to flicker, smoke, and even soot, which can be dangerous. Always trim the wick to 1/4 inch before lighting the candle.


  • Never leave a burning candle unattended: Never leave a candle burning when you are not in the room or when you are going to sleep.


  • Keep candles out of reach of children and pets: Children and pets can accidentally knock over a candle, which can cause a fire.


  • Keep the candle away from any draft: A draft can cause the candle to flicker and smoke and can also cause the wax to burn unevenly.


  • Follow the instructions: Each candle is different and has different instructions, please make sure to read and follow them.


  • Do not ingest the candle wax: Candles are not meant to be consumed and ingesting the wax can be harmful.


  • Allergic reactions: If you have any allergic reactions or sensitivities to any of the ingredients used in our candles, please do not use them.


  • Discontinue use if any problem occurred: If you notice any unusual problem or behavior with your candle, please discontinue use and contact us.

Ritual Instructions

Welcome to the magic of the Earth Candle ritual! This candle is part of our Elemental series and contains a powerful blend of Hematite, Malachite chips, Moss Agate chips, Clear Quartz points, a small charm, and Motherwort. The Earth Candle is perfect for grounding, protection, and connecting with the energy of Mother Earth. It may also be used to heal or enhance your root and heart chakras.


To begin, find a quiet and sacred space where you can light the Earth Candle. Take a moment to set your intention for the ritual, whether it be for protection, grounding, or simply to connect with the Earth's energy. You may also choose to surround yourself with crystals and other items that resonate with the Earth element, such as stones, plants, and herbs. Consider performing this ritual outdoors or in a natural setting.


When you're ready, light the Earth Candle and allow the flame to fill the room with its warm glow. Take a moment to center yourself and connect with the Earth's energy. Visualize roots growing from the bottom of your feet, grounding you deep into the Earth. Allow any negative energy to be transmitted through these roots and into the earth to be converted into positive energy.


As the candle burns, focus on your intention and allow the energy of the Earth Candle to flow through you. The hematite in the candle helps to ground and protect you, while the Malachite chips work to cleanse and purify your energy. The Moss Agate chips encourage growth and new beginnings, while the Clear Quartz points amplify the energy of the other crystals.


As the candle burns down, take note of any images or symbols that appear in the wax or flame. These may hold special meaning or messages for you.


When the candle has burned out, or you snuff out the flame to finish the ritual, take a moment to give thanks to the Earth and the energy it has provided. You may choose to bury the remnants (except the glass jar!) of the candle in the Earth, returning its energy to the source. Alternatively, you can keep the crystals and charm as a reminder of the ritual and the power of the Earth element.


Remember, the Earth Candle ritual can be performed at any time, whenever you need to connect with the Earth's energy or ground yourself in times of stress or uncertainty. Allow the magic of the Earth element to guide you and bring you peace and protection. The small charm in the candle serves as a reminder of your intention and connects you to the magic of the Earth element. Consider using this charm to craft a piece of jewelry to wear as a reminder of your intentions.

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