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Water Candle Ritual

Contained in this candle

  • Sodalite: Inspires self-love and acceptance, increases self-awareness, removes mental distractions and negative thoughts, encourages authenticity and perseverance through troubled times.

  • Blue Apatite: Provides clarity of consciousness, cleanses negative energy, expands the mind for deeper understanding, heightens intuition and spiritual knowledge, encourages humility, motivates and drives towards fulfilling spiritual purpose.

  • Blue Lace Agate: Increases confidence and clear communication, dissolves self-doubt and suppressed emotions, encourages compassionate listening and self-acceptance, brings balance and clarity to the mind, soothes anger and anxiety, nurtures connection to the spiritual realm, emphasizes the power of manifestation.

  • Clear Quartz: Accommodates specific needs of the beholder, enhances meditation and concentration, magnifies power of manifestation, expands consciousness and understanding of life's bigger picture, facilitates communication with the Divine, amplifies energies of other stones.

  • Aloe Vera: Prevents accidents and wards off bad luck and malevolent energies, used in spells for healing, protection, beauty, love, moon magick, and abundance.

  • Moon Charm: Represents the connection to the water element and the moon's control over the earth's tides, symbolizes the intention of the ritual and enhances its effectiveness.


Together, these elements work to inspire self-love, increase self-awareness, provide clarity of consciousness, enhance intuition and spiritual knowledge, encourage clear communication, balance the mind and emotions, facilitate communication with the Divine, and amplify the power of manifestation. The use of the moon charm represents the connection to the water element and enhances the effectiveness of the ritual.

Recommended Uses

  • For emotional healing and balance.

  • To enhance communication and self-expression.

  • To promote forgiveness and compassion.

  • To connect with the flow of life and go with the flow.

  • To release emotional blockages and old patterns.

  • To enhance intuition and psychic abilities.

  • To attract abundance and prosperity.

  • To invoke the energy of the moon and the tides.

  • To deepen meditation and spiritual practices.

  • To increase sensitivity and empathy towards others.

  • To connect with the emotional energy of water and the natural world.

  • To cleanse and purify one's energy field.

  • To bring about a sense of calm and peace.

  • To manifest one's desires and dreams.

  • To connect with the power of the divine feminine.

  • Use it during times of emotional upheaval or stress to promote balance and calm.

  • Burn it during meditation or visualization exercises to connect with the energy of the water element.

  • Use it during a bath or shower to enhance the cleansing and rejuvenating effects of water.

  • Place it on your altar or in your sacred space as a representation of the water element.

  • Use it during creative endeavors to enhance self-expression and inspiration.

  • Burn it during communication exercises, such as speaking in public or having difficult conversations.

  • Use it during times of grief or loss to promote emotional healing and release.

  • Burn it during spiritual practices such as divination or energy healing to enhance the flow of intuitive and healing energy.

  • Use it to connect with your dreams and intuition, as water is often associated with the subconscious and the world of dreams.

Ritual Summary

  • Find a calm and peaceful space to light the candle and create an inviting atmosphere with calming music, fresh flowers, sea shells, and crystals that resonate with water. Consider doing this ritual before or while bathing.

  • Set your intention for the ritual and connect with the moon charm's energy.

  • Light the candle and focus on your intention, allowing the energy of the crystals to flow through you.

  • Allow yourself to feel any emotions that arise and journal or meditate to gain a deeper understanding.

  • Take note of any symbols or images that appear in the wax or flame.

  • Give thanks to the water element when the candle has burned out and keep the crystals or make a piece of jewelry from the charm as a reminder of the ritual and the power of water.

  • The Water Elemental Candle ritual can be performed whenever you need emotional healing or want to enhance communication and self-expression.

Before you use this candle

This ritual is not a substitute for professional advice or therapy. If you are struggling with serious emotional, physical or mental health issues, please seek help from a qualified professional.


  • Be clear about your intention: Before lighting the Water Elemental candle, be clear about your intention for the ritual. Whether it is to connect with the element of water, enhance your intuition, or work on healing your throat and heart chakras, make sure you are clear about what you want to achieve through the ritual.


  • Respect the power of water: The element of water is powerful and can evoke emotions, so be prepared for any emotional release that may come up during the ritual. It's important to approach the ritual with respect and reverence for the element of water and its power.


  • Work with the candle's energy: The Water Elemental candle contains powerful crystals like Sodalite, Blue Apatite, and Blue Lace Agate that work together to enhance your connection with the element of water. It's important to understand the energy of these crystals and work with them during the ritual to get the most out of it.


  • Take care of yourself: The Water Elemental candle can have a profound effect on your emotions and energy, so make sure to take care of yourself after the ritual. Drink plenty of water, take a relaxing bath, or meditate to help balance and ground yourself.


  • Be mindful of fire safety: As with any candle, it's important to be mindful of fire safety. Always keep the candle in sight and away from flammable materials, and make sure to snuff out the candle before leaving the room.


Remember, the Water Elemental candle ritual is a powerful way to connect with the element of water and enhance your intuition and emotional well-being. Just be sure to approach the ritual with respect, clarity, and mindfulness.


Candle Safety

Candles are a great way to create ambiance and fragrance in your home, but they can also be dangerous if used improperly. At Good Witch Way, we take the safety of our customers very seriously and ask that you follow these guidelines to ensure that your candles are used safely:


  • Keep candles away from flammable materials: Always place candles on a stable, heat-resistant surface and keep them away from anything that can catch fire, such as curtains, furniture, and paper.


  • Burn candles in a well-ventilated area: Never burn candles in a small, enclosed space as this can increase the risk of fire.


  • Keep the wick trimmed: A wick that is too long can cause the candle to flicker, smoke, and even soot, which can be dangerous. Always trim the wick to 1/4 inch before lighting the candle.


  • Never leave a burning candle unattended: Never leave a candle burning when you are not in the room or when you are going to sleep.


  • Keep candles out of reach of children and pets: Children and pets can accidentally knock over a candle, which can cause a fire.


  • Keep the candle away from any draft: A draft can cause the candle to flicker and smoke and can also cause the wax to burn unevenly.


  • Follow the instructions: Each candle is different and has different instructions, please make sure to read and follow them.


  • Do not ingest the candle wax: Candles are not meant to be consumed and ingesting the wax can be harmful.


  • Allergic reactions: If you have any allergic reactions or sensitivities to any of the ingredients used in our candles, please do not use them.


  • Discontinue use if any problem occurred: If you notice any unusual problem or behavior with your candle, please discontinue use and contact us.

Ritual Instructions

Welcome to the Water Elemental Candle ritual, where you will connect with the element of water and experience its healing powers. The Water Elemental Candle is crafted with Sodalite, Blue Apatite, Blue Lace Agate, Clear Quartz, Dried Aloe, and a small moon charm. This candle is perfect for enhancing the throat and heart chakras and promoting communication, self-expression, and emotional healing.


To begin, find a calm and peaceful space where you can light your Water Elemental Candle. Create a comfortable and inviting atmosphere with calming music, fresh flowers, sea shells, and crystals that resonate with the element of water. Take a few deep breaths and visualize yourself being surrounded by a gentle, calming blue light. This light represents the healing and soothing powers of water. Consider doing this ritual before or while bathing to enhance your connection with the water element.


Once you have set up your sacred space, take a moment to set your intention for the ritual. You may choose to focus on emotional healing, self-expression, or any other aspect of water that resonates with you. You can also hold the small moon charm in your hand and connect with its energy, as the moon's gravity controls the Earth's tides.


When you're ready, light your Water Elemental Candle and allow the flame to fill the room with its gentle light. Take a few moments to center yourself and connect with the energy of the candle. You may want to carefully and gently wave your hand over the candle and feel its warmth and energy.


As the candle burns, focus on your intention and allow the energy of the Water Elemental Candle to flow through you. The Sodalite in the candle helps to promote emotional balance and enhance intuition, while the Blue Apatite supports communication and self-expression. The Blue Lace Agate promotes emotional healing and inner peace, and the Clear Quartz amplifies the energy of the other crystals.


As you connect with the energy of the Water Elemental Candle, allow yourself to feel any emotions that arise. You may want to journal or meditate to gain a deeper understanding of your emotions and feelings. Allow the water energy to wash away any negativity or emotional blockages, leaving you feeling cleansed, balanced, and renewed.

As the candle burns down, take note of any symbols or images that appear in the wax or flame. These may hold special meaning or messages for you. When the candle has burned out, take a moment to give thanks to the water element and the energy it has provided. You may choose to keep the crystals and make a piece of jewelry from the charm to wear as a reminder of the ritual and the power of water.


Remember, the Water Elemental Candle ritual can be performed whenever you need emotional healing or want to enhance communication and self-expression. Allow the magic of the water element to guide you and bring you peace and balance.

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